We operate in

You are in good hands
Import Export is our domain. Here and now you successfully sell more and buy more easily.
Gain new space for your business
Simply put, you make money faster

Simple Purpose
In Aurum Swiss
Swiss merchant logistics
combines the buying and selling activities of market operators in simple steps
The goal is a successful transaction
Precision in Action
With Swiss precision, we connect viable contractors. Your delivery potential increases. You act efficiently
The finale is an all-round profitable business
The result of our refined logistics
resources of foreign markets and
Your power of action, which met

Transparent Sales
Reliable verification of the credibility of the counterparty
Freight and Shipping
Optimum Transport Operator
and Unloading
Safe Purchase
Bank guarantee
transaction execution
Sure Support
Professional legal assistance
fiscal and customs
You have chosen our competence

South America
South America
Times larger than the surface of Europe
Percentage of Population
The world
Thank you for your trust
Your personal consultant
will make contact within 24 hours
Surowce Energetyczne
Surowce energetyczne to również inne, mniej oczywiste zasoby nieodnawialne. Pierwiastki promieniotwórcze jak uran, tor i rad oraz gaz LPG i wodór determinują ich przyszłość
Metale Szlachetne
Metale szlachetne mają niekwestionowalny
walor inwestycyjny. Jednał to potencjał technologiczny rtęci , renu i reszty platynowców nadaje im nową wartość ekonomiczną